• This is slide 1 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.
  • This is slide 2 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.
  • This is slide 3 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.
  • This is slide 4 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.
  • This is slide 5 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.

Selasa, 07 Maret 2023

contoh alamat website berdasarkan tujuan website

 1. website edukasi


tujuan : 

tujuan :

Memudahkan sekolah dalam menggali dana dari berbagai sumber, terutama dari para alumni yang telah sukses dan tersebar di berbagai belahan nusantara bahkan Dunia. 

Meningkatkan kredibilitas sekolah di mata masyarakat dalam kesungguhannya meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan.